Committee Members 2023/24

Commodore Mark Richardson
Vice Commodore/Acting Cruise Captain John Foster
Rear Commodore Graham Card
Rear Commodore/Training Martin Phillips
Hon. Secretary Brian Scott
Hon. Treasurer Will Green
Property Officer Graham Bryant
Membership/Data Protection Sally Pearce
Social/Galley Sally Harrison (committee member) and Rosemary Scott
Without portfolio Bram van der Have
HASA Representative Clive Hilton
Without portfolio Peter Seddon
Website editor Sue Sutherland


Bar Captain
Bar rota Peter Barnes
Public Relations Suzy Haynes
Talks Debbie Green
On Watch Editors Sue Sutherland/Christine Bull
Bookings Sarah Lines
Walks Neil Brooks
Handbook John Maxwell
Bosun Linda Grover

* Please send all copy intended for publication OUTSIDE the club but originating from WCC to Suzy Haynes as she is P.R. coordinator and hence should be aware of what is being sent externally.

Mark Richardson

John Foster

Graham Card

Martin Phillips

Brian Scott

Will Green

Graham Bryant

Sally Pearce

Sally Harrison

Clive Hilton

Bram van der Have

Peter Seddon

Sue Sutherland