Latest Club news
The cruise to Walton Backwaters is a perennial favourite for Woodbridge Cruising Club members. Thanks go to Graham and Julia Bryant for organising this cruise, which had twelve boats sailing in company. SADs ( safe
July’s news
The sailing season is now underway, with the well planned summer cruise programme with voyages to new harbours and well-loved favourite destinations. Sailing (or motor-boating) in company is surely one of the best reasons for
Club Burgees back on sale
Our Bosun has recently purchased a new supply of Burgees for Club members. Prices are £14.50 for the 10" x 18" and £18.50 for the 18" x 24" Burgees. Please log into the website, then
Latest news
The sailing season is now underway, with the first event being the annual model boat challenge (and lunch) against Woodbridge Model Boat Club; this was a keenly fought contest in light winds, with 20 boats
Latest Club news
With the advent of warmer weather, members are sailing again, and looking forward to the summer cruise programme arranged by cruise captain Andy and club skippers. The cruise meeting was well attended, and the skippers
Club news for May
The first sailing activities are now taking place with the model boat challenge (and lunch) against Woodbridge Model Boat club coordinated by Alex, and the inaugural Deben Discovery cruise, organised by Clive and Barbara. Members
March news from our Publicity Officer
As spring approaches Woodbridge Cruising Club members are looking forward to boats going back in the water and sailing again. Meanwhile the winter social programme has a variety of activities, with the ever popular Wednesday
February news
Although most boats are now lifted out for that essential winter maintenance, and sailing is at a minimum, there is still an active social on shore programme and members are currently enjoying Wednesday suppers and