The cruise season is well underway, and recent cruises include the Ore and Alde, with visits to Orford Sailing Club, Aldeburgh Yacht Club and The Jolly Sailor, as well as spending peaceful nights moored at Orford and Aldeburgh.
Walton Backwaters is a perennial favourite, where the club enjoy a visit to Titchmarsh Marina, walks to the beach, as well as a barbecue and SADS ( Safe Arrival Drinks).
Members are looking forward to future voyages to the Medway, Brightlingsea, Southwold and even Europe. Sailing in company on well organised cruises is one of the best reasons for joining WCC.
The club is pleased to take part in the Woodbridge Regatta, when the bar is open to non members.
Onshore activities are still continuing, with the riverside clubhouse the focus of the summer socials and barbecues, which are always enjoyed by club members.
The cruising club is looking forward to the summer sailing programme, so why not consider joining. This website has full details and new members are welcome, whether you currently own a motorboat or yacht, (or are a past owner), or have an interested in all things nautical.