The club’s summer cruises are underway now, and members are enjoying the well-planned voyages to familiar and new destinations. The Walton Backwaters cruise organised by Ross and Jane was an enjoyable sail to Titmarsh, and on shore activities including a visit to the East Coast Distillery were a pleasant treat. Fair winds and sunshine was enjoyed by those attending the Burnham cruise organised by John and Dee, visiting Fambridge and Brightlingsea as well.

Future cruises eagerly awaited are Lowestoft and Southwold organised by Graham and led by Bram, Walton Pond led by Don and Maggie, and  the perennial favourite the Blackwater cruise with cruise leader Andy. For all yacht and motorboat owners cruising in company is one of the best reasons to join the club.

Other club members voyage to the Scottish Highlands and Islands, or further afield to Europe – to the Baltic, France or Greece. The club bar is the ideal place to met up after these cruises to exchange stories, and useful hints as to the best marinas and passage planning.

Members are looking forward to the August Bank Holiday barbecue in the pleasant garden of the riverside club house, where the delicious home-made puddings are always a highlight.

Why not consider joining us? This website has full details and new members are welcome. If you have a genuine interest in sailing and the sea, have a look at our programme of maritime related events on the calendar.