As the warm weather approaches Woodbridge Cruising Club members are starting to get their boats in the water after winter maintenance, and hardy sailors are undertaking the first voyages of 2025.
The annual cruise meeting hosted by club cruise captain Andy sees the cruise leaders present their cruise itineraries, with the first ‘cruise ‘of the season being the hotly contested model boat challenge on Woodbridge pond, followed by the Deben Discovery, and then venturing further afield to Lowestoft, Blackwaters and even Holland. The well organised cruises are the prime reason for joining the club, as all the marinas are booked, thus enabling a peaceful well-organised cruise in company.
The popular Wednesday suppers come to an end in the spring, and the annual Fitting Out Supper marks the official start of the cruising season. The majority of on shore activities such as the nautically themed Sunday talks also end, as the activities move outdoors and to river and sea. The ultimate talks of the season included a fascinating view of the coastal dynamics of the Deben by a professor of physical geography, who gave the expert opinion.
The fortnightly Thursday walks for January and February included a lovely stroll around Newbourne, and down to the river Deben, ending with a lunch at a local hostelry (The Fox) led by John; and a walk around Earl Soham led by William, ending at the Queen Victoria pub, both much enjoyed by members and dogs.
There will be a musical fund-raising event in April, with the wonderful Ukulele band ‘Jetsam’ playing, along with other talented members who will perform and sing in aid of club funds.
Woodbridge Cruising Club will be running the RYA Day Skipper shore-based and RYA VHF radio courses in March 2025. The latter course is for the SRC certificate, a legal requirement to operate a ships radio. This is open to non-members as well.
If you have a genuine interest in sailing and the sea, have a look at our programme of maritime related events on our programme of maritime related events on the calendar. New members are always welcome.