
6 06, 2021

Recent news

By |2021-06-25T15:07:18+01:00June 6th, 2021|News|

Club members  have enjoyed the first cruises of the summer cruising season, the Deben Cruise and the Ore and Ald. Three boats for the Deben cruise moored overnight near the Ramsholt Arms, and then were joined by boats from Waldringfield and the Orwell

2 04, 2021

Wildlife on the River Deben

By |2021-04-02T18:40:46+01:00April 2nd, 2021|News|

The River Deben Association has become concerned that some of the newcomers to canoeing, kayaking  and paddle-boarding may be unaware of their impact on nesting and over-wintering birds on the Deben. They have therefore worked with the RSPB, Suffolk Wildlife Trust and Suffolk

2 04, 2021

Cruise itineraries on the website

By |2021-04-02T18:45:55+01:00April 2nd, 2021|News|

Members can now see full details of all the cruise itineraries and book your place on line here Some cruises have limited availability because there is a finite number of berths. All cruises are subject to the restrictions in place at the time.

2 04, 2021

Club news for April

By |2021-04-03T14:36:06+01:00April 2nd, 2021|News|

We held our cruise meeting remotely in March, when club members heard all about the exciting cruises planned (hopefully) for the 2021 season. It was great to see friends and sailing companions again, and have details of the summer cruises. The Sunday talks

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